Bye, Bye Zipabox

Bye, Bye Zipabox

Welcom Fibaro HC3!

I finally gave up wrestling with my zipabox and got myself a Fibaro Home Center 3. I have invested an unbelivable amount of time in my Zipabox z-wave system but I am still happy to see it go away.

Sure, the HC3 is not perfect but it is WAY smoother than the software for the Zipabox. I still like the hardware concept with the Zipabox that you can add modules depending on your needs.

However in just as good as the Zipato hardware is the software is the worst CRAP in the z-wave domain. On top of this is the non existing support from Zipato and the dictatorship from Sebastian.

During the time I have used my Zipabox I have seen no progress in the functionality and as I said before the support is non existing.

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